On all the seas and rivers where British seamen go,
From the tropics to the edges of where the icebergs grow,
You will see the ruddy bunting of bright or smoky red,
It’s our Merchant Navy Ensign flying overhead.
Many an eye has danced at our banner flying true,
Our hearts and souls are British and our colours too,
Whipping in defiance when white waves are below,
It flew above the vanquished and defeated foe.
No one should prevent us
from hoisting it by day,
Since Eighteen twenty four it’s prominence held sway,
Either flying in the breeze when trading near and far,
Or draped upon a coffin when a seaman’s crossed the bar.
It’s more than just a symbol
of a nation brave and free,
Not only just an emblem proclaiming liberty,
For the showing of our `duster` from gaff or lofty spar,
Sets pride among our mariners, no matter where they are.
The Merchant Navy, with Allied comrades, night and day, in weather fair or foul, faces not only the ordinary perils of the sea but the sudden assaults of war from beneath the waters or from the sky. Your first task is to bring to port the cargoes vital for us at home and for our armies abroad and we trust your tenacity and resolve to see this stern task through.
Sir Winston Churchill 1941
I consider the protection of our trade the most essential service that can be performed.
Admiral lord Nelson to Captain Benjamin Hallowell. 1804
But I reckon most sincerely there’s others we should see,
It’s mostly men that’s designated, embellished in art form,
Upon old Britain’s money accepted as the norm.
For imprinting on our currency of this island race,
Yes, you say in argument, the Queen is shown a lot,
But she is there by birthright - an automatic spot.
Or females in high industry seldom maybe seen,
Just delve into our history to find the brilliant minds,
There you’ll see variety and many heroines.
Crack fair the whip for gender that wear the petticoats,
I’m sure the girls don’t need me to let their shackles free,
It’s just a thought in general to help in c` est la vie.
Leonard Dibb-Western
Leonard Dibb-Western travelled to Downing Street to meet the Prime Minister and received his fifth war medal.
The 88-year-old was a member of the Merchantl Navy who took part in a convoy to Russia in February 1944.
Nearly 70 years on, he has now received an Arctic Star medal and an apology from Mr Cameron that it had taken so long to recognise war veterans’ bravery.
Mr Cameron told the survivors at a special ceremony: “I am only sorry that it has taken 70 years to get to here and to say thank you for what you did.
You were involved in the most important struggle of the last 100 years when you were supplying one of our allies in the battle to defeat Hitler.
“You are a group of heroes.”
Mr Dibb-Western, who lives in Worle, said he was ‘very proud’ to receive the award and believes he is the only one in North Somerset to have an Arctic Star.
The convoy sailed to Russia in 1944 but its progress was blocked by ice, and he believes that, had the weather been clearer, they would have been bombed by German planes.
And their journey back months later was equally hazardous, with the crew told on arrival back in the UK they had narrowly avoided 15 German U-boats.
After meeting the Prime Minister, the veterans were taken to HMS Belfast on the River Thames for a celebration.
The Arctic StarVeterans who served on Arctic Convoys and in Bomber Command during the Second World War are to be recognised for their bravery and service with the new medal and award.
Whilst the aim is to recognise those who served on the Arctic Convoys, all who served north of the Arctic Circle during the Second World War are eligible, including members of all 3 Services as well as the Merchant Navy who crewed the ships taking the vital supplies to Russia.
M.V.Sussex Trader
I joined the Sussex Trader on 24th. Jan.1961 in Birkenhead sailing for Casablanca - Durban,and East London - In South Africa, then to Kobe and Nagoya in Japan - then Freemantle in Australia to load grain, returning to Rotterdam via the Suez Canal, Paying off on the 8th. July 1961
Joe Earl
Hi - I regret I have lost touch with Len - I know he went into a home in Weston Super Mare somewhere but I have no idea where, sorry
Mike chandler
Hi , I’m lens son in law , if you want to know lens whereabouts his daughter Dianne’s phone no is 07515 682803 , feel free to contact her , she will pass on any messages to him , thanks, Mike.
Louisa Bazett
I am attempting to get in contact with Leonard Dibbs-Western. Do you have his contact details? A very old friend who served with him would love to get in contact.
Mike chandler
Hi lens daughter is on 07515 682803 , she would be very pleased to hear from any old mates of Len , regards Mike (lens son in law )
great site, great pictures a great man in em'
My Pleasure Ian - and Thank You for the most excellent
lecture on the `Great Britain Cheer Joe
Ian Caskie
.....Given the number of times you sailed out of Liverpool, I may well have been watching from New Brighton beach or prom as you sailed by.
Ian Caskie
It was very good to meet you briefly this morning at the BL Club Joe. Many thanks for signing me to your web site which I thoroughly enjoyed exploring..... (contd).
David Hood
Thanks Joe, Indeed he was an Electrician. He left the sea when I arrived, but he took me aboard Sussex Trader when she had been renamed Herbert McCawley? and was being refitted in Sunderland.
Joe Earl
Yes - a long time ago but I`m pretty certain that was George - an Electrician I think ?
David Hood
Dear Joe, I was looking at the photo of some lads on the Sussex Trader going through the Suez canal. The lad on the right wearing a beret looks like my late father George Hood. Can you confirm?
Peter Reynolds
My number was 119 Hood Division ,I believe I was at the indefatigable. 1956/1957 round about the same time as your self .Do you remember me? It was a long time ago.!
John Mills
Hi Joe like your poem PS Barry and Artist pick up your brushes. My grandfather was on the Barryfield in the Dardanelles so interested to any reference. I would like to make contact.
Tony Wong
Thanks very much for sharing, Joe! As Frank mentioned, you had an illustrious career that well deserves praise and admiration! Nice poetry you have written too! BZ!
Thomas (Bing) Crosbie
Joe. Great pics, pity we didn't have mobile camera phones way back in the fifties though isn't it? ...Bing
frank earl
Its good to have photos from your youth,memories to look back on.You had an illustrious career at an early age.I did not know that you had been diving,like me.
Yes - I thought I should put something down otherwise I would have been `geography`!!